Friday, October 28, 2011

Kat's Parenting Skills

Kat's Parenting Skills a video by karmking1111 on Flickr.

A couple of months ago, Kat bought a glove duster, not to dust things around the house, but on the premise that it would make a great puppet. She glued two eyes on it, and viola! Gavin's best friend was born. We've pinned the dust puppet above Gavin's changing area so he has something to take his mind off of the fact that his parents are attacking his bum with wet naps and mild chemicals. As you can see, he is clearly enamored with the dust puppet, which Kat wields so well.

(You probably could have guessed it, but one of Kat's favorite shows, and mine, was the Muppet Show.

It Lives!

It Lives!
Originally uploaded by karmking1111.
Here's Badger, wishing everyone a Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Originally uploaded by karmking1111.
The kitties seem to be getting along well these days.

Kat and Gaivn

Kat and Gaivn
Originally uploaded by karmking1111.
Super cute pic of mother and son. Click on for a larger image.

Behold, the Father!

Behold, the Father!
Originally uploaded by karmking1111.
You never planned this. One day you just find yourself Swiffering an apartment in Korea, with a small child strapped to you. It's at moments like these that the world stops and you have to ponder the randomness of life. Luckily, you will have a wife that will take a goofy picture of you to post on the internet. Randomness complete.

Gavin Speaks (or tries to)

Many people speak of this magical time-- when you first see your baby, or bring your baby home-- that your heart melts and you understand your reason for existence; to take care of this small creature, this extension of you that depends completely on you...or maybe you just stare at each other and mutually wonder: "Who the hell is this person?" Gavin and I were a bit of both worlds.

But that's the first month, and by the second, rays of personality start to burst forth. Things like smiles and sounds. The first month, well that's a bit like a strange dream that you keep trying to divine meaning from. The second month, that's a bit more like a flying dream, one where you don't analyze it so much but just enjoy it for its beauty and pure experience.

However, there is one constant that keeps us grounded. Diapers, there will always be dirty diapers.

(When watching the video, see if you can discern Gavin's squeals from mine. Like father, like son.)

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Here's Gavin!

Profile Pic
Originally uploaded by karmking1111.
I feel I've been a neglectful daddy. Not to the kid, but about blogging about the kid. I should be telling the world about Gavin, but instead I'm actually tending to him: changing diapers, feeding him, consoling him, basically just trying to figure out who he is. Funny thing, I think Gavin feels the same about me. For the first week or two, whenever I picked him up, Gavin would give me this wide eyed, kind of shocked and scared look, as though he had never seen me before. Later, that look changed to one of mild puzzlement. I could almost see him thinking, "We've met before, haven't we?" Now, we're comfortable with each other. I know him as the joyful, screaming poop monster, and he knows me as the hairy, barren one of the two parents.

The whole parenting thing is an enigma. Kat and I read a lot of the baby books before he arrived and thought we had most things down; however, when the kid actually showed up, we found that we had not a clue what to do. Gavin would start crying and we'd speculate that maybe he was hungry, or wet, or too cold, or too hot, or bored, or overstimulated. This lead us to try a plethora of often contradictory soothing techniques that confused rather than comforted. We'd have him stripped down with the heater on, trying to feed and change him at the same time. If he stopped crying, it was usually in bewilderment of what we were doing.

Now we're all a bit better; us on reading his moods and he on, well, just growing up. It looks like this is a trend that will only just continue. Welcome the world Gavin!

Left Hook

Left Hook
Originally uploaded by karmking1111.
He's had enough of my clowning around. When he needs his diapey changed, he needs it changed now!

Synchronized Sleeping

Synchronized Sleeping
Originally uploaded by karmking1111.
Doing what they do best.

Gavin and Momma 2

Gavin and Momma 2
Originally uploaded by karmking1111.
Brand new.

Badger's Wanted Picture

Badger's Wanted Picture
Originally uploaded by karmking1111.
Here's a new addition to the family: Honey Badger. Yes, we know; it's a weird name for such a sweet kitty. We found her while taking and evening stroll. This cat saw us, pegged us for a couple of suckers, and ran up to us mewing. Kat, who true to her name cannot say no to a cat, immediately picked her up and took her inside. This kitten seemed way too nice and we figured she must have an owner. Therefore, we made up the pictured flyers. We actually did find the owner, but she was a young girl who traveled a lot and underestimated the amount of time and care that a kitten needs. She seemed relieved to find some other suckers, I mean owners, who could take the kitten off of her hands. So there, now Badger is part of the family.
By the way, if you're curious where we got the name from, go to Youtube, search under "Honey Badger" and watch the video with the highest view count. Warning, the video can be a little a crass, just like our cat.