Sunday, July 01, 2007


Originally uploaded by karmking1111.
While in Flagstaff Arizona I actually did some outdoor manly work, ripping the shingles off a house that my friend is re-roofing. After outdoor manly work, I usually feel like having an outdoor manly beverage, sea-breezes; no, beer! Dave and I were drinking a beer under the carport when this thing fell down from the rafters and landed right between us. Had it landed on me I'd still be running. I imagine that our roofing exploits disturbed the little sucker. I wasn't sure if it was hurt or dazed or what so I decided that taking it's picture might help it out.

1 comment:

Swamp Crotch in AZ said...

Randy said that after we left, the little guy flew away with impeccable form. So, I guess he was just dazed from the rowdy night before.