Thursday, February 02, 2006

Good news everybody! The wind started blowing here. It's taken the smog away. The sun is shining, the sky is blue.

Bad news too-- the wind is blowing. It is so butt-ass cold here that's it unbelievable. I had heard that it was cold here, but holy hell, today's a little rough. Being from Wyoming, I thought I could tough it out here, and WY is comparible, but here I have to walk everywhere and catch busses. Waiting for a bus today a gust hit me in the face and I said "Jesus!" quite loudly in disbelief. All the Koreans looked at me. I guess they are familiar with Jesus as well, but I have to wonder if they thought that I was swearing or just a very religious person.

To top things off, I couldn't figure out how to run the heating in my apartment and so spent my first two nights there huddled like an Amercan refugee under my covers. I now have a cold, however, I have figured out the heating system and it's really neat. The hot water pipes are in the floor so the floor heats up. No cold feet. Neat! Now I'll move on to the washing machine and see what mysteries that thing contains.

I made coffee the other day, another first. Believe it or not, tea is very popular here. I bought a french press, some overpriced ground coffee and went to town. I kind of feel like a person who has gone through a disabilitating accident, and now must learn to perform basic functions all over again. Every little step and minor accomplishment brings me great joy. Yesterday, I announced with glee to one of my other coworkers that I had sucessfully made coffee. She was not as impressed as I had hoped she would be.

I'm still attempting to get the internet at my apartment. That will be a major accomplishment that will probably call for a celebration. Until then you just have my dry comentary. Pics will come later.


Kendra said...

french press is the best

Anonymous said...

Maybe you could just wet your clothes and lay them on the heated floor for a while! Damn I'm smart!

Clint Gardner said...

I read this last week and busted out laughing at the description of the Korean reaction to eggregious blasphemy.

Anonymous said...

hey dude- I don't know if you check back to previous posts you have written. I'm just catching up on all the news! I'm printing out (...and screening) letters to send to Grandma Price. She loves those letter you know.
Don't freeze to death. I just finished reading "Into The Wild" and your can't help but think about you poor little thing stuck in that huge city. -lol