Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Band
Originally uploaded by karmking1111.
The Band

From left to right: Ken, Kat, Allison, Julie, and Scott. This was Scott and Al's last weekend in Korea (sniff). They're leaving again but this time I believe it is for good, never to return to the land of kimchi. They've had enough of teaching snot-nosed little punks in Korea; they now want to teach snot-nosed punks in Canada. Go figure. I usually follow them where ever they go, to different spots in Korea, to Thailand once, but Canada is a bit too far for right now. But look out Scott and Al, I'm like a bad rash-- just when you think you've gotten rid of me, Bam! I reappear. Expect me on your doorstep on day. We'll miss you lots.

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