Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Originally uploaded by karmking1111.
I should remember the names of these different places but I never can. I do remember the stories though. A long time ago in a country far, far away a Chinese delegation arrived at this waterfall looking for the elixir of life, the water that would grant immortality. Though they were impressed with the falling waters, they realized the water was not the elixir of life. I have no idea how they discovered that. Maybe they made a guy drink it and then blasted him with a cannonball and then stabbed him. An experiment through trial and error. In any event the delegation decided to practice the age old art of graffiti and so carved some Chinese characters into a rock at the base of the falls. The writings can still be viewed today.

1 comment:

Greg McKelvey said...

hi man very cool blog i love all the photos and stuff have a great day and god bless

