Monday, June 18, 2007

Bigger and Louder

Howdy y'all. I've been sporadically posting random stuff when I get the chance, whenever I find the time and the internet access. I try not to say that I'm having too much fun in the states, lest I have so much fun that I don't want to come back to Korea, but I've been having a freaking blast. I've been hiking and Frisbee golfing and swimming and Frisbee golfing and to the bars and Frisbee golfing. It's been fun.

Everybody's asked me if it's strange to be back, and in a way it is. I can understand most of everything that people say. I've been used to wandering along, oblivious to what people say in Korea, and now I'm much more aware of the people around me whether I want to be or not. The one thing that strikes me is how big everything is in the states: the cars, the roads, the houses, the people, the food. Everything in the states is bigger, people are louder, things cost more. I kind of like it. Sure, in Korea the buildings are bigger but the rooms inside the buildings aren't. On the flight from Dallas to Salt Lake I was amazed how loud everyone was. Everyone was talking to everyone else and people were really friendly. It was a nice change from Korea where people tend to get on the bus, subway, airplane and just shut up. Eventually I'll be tired of this too and want to come back to the ROK. Until then, here are pictures of big America.


Anonymous said...

Nat-Han! Welcome back to the soil! I hope we can hang out this summer...

John T.

Kendra said...

welcome home! John beat me to it.

Kat-tron! said...

:P... I am so tired. Stuff here is too big, and everything is so far. Weird Italian men named Fabio and Lucka trying to get into my pants, and stupid loud men that argue with women about everything from mentration to booty calls. Did I mention I almost hit a man last night cause he was yelling in his cellphone right next to me while I was trying to eat a chicken sandwich.

Oh, yeah... I love you and miss you.

Nathan Price said...

I once hit a man next to me because he was eating a chicken sandwich while I was screaming into my cell phone.

Thanks JT and kendra. I hope to see you guys sometime during this summer's festivities.