Monday, March 26, 2007

Don't Just Do Something, Get Out and Sit There

It's been awhile since I last posted. The computer officially crashed and then was repaired and restored, then I officially crashed. Well, not officially but sort of. I've been rather lazy as of late, not doing much of anything, just saving money for my impending return to the states in June. The warm weather as of late though has helped me shake the cobwebs off myself and question, why am I sitting on my ass when I can be running around staring at temples and stuff. This Sunday Scott, Al, Ken, Julie and I went to Namhansamseong fortress to walk around a wall and stare at temples,; a biathlon of sorts. We had a great time and got to remind myself why I came to Korea, to see some unique things and different way of life, and not just stare at Korean TV screens in my apartment. Pics follow.

1 comment:

Swamp Crotch in AZ said...

So what of this impending trip to the states in June? Details, dammit!! The rim got enormous amounts of snow, so a trip to Blue Ridge is feasible regardless of forest closures. But, we've recieved some decent moisture lately, so there's a good chance there will be no closures.