I went a bit heavy with the nature pics on this posting. Different species of trees are taking their turns showing off right now. At this time it's the maples that seem to be exploding into different colors, next the aspens will rain gold and then the trees I can't identify will do some cool things too. Hey, I don't know the name of every tree out there (although I should find out).
I hiked Mount Olympus yesterday to get many of the pics. At first I thought it was lame how Salt Lake had named one of their peaks after the famed mount of the gods in Greece, however I found it fiting as I swore and prayed to the gods on every inch of the last half of that climb. I think I'm a pretty fit guy, mountain biking, swimming, ocassional yoga and disc golf but my legs feel like Evander Holyfield has been using them for practice. The thing about the hike is up is tough, as it should be, but down isn't much easier. It's a knee pounding, ankle rolling experience in trying to keep one's legs steady so one doesn't let one's momentum topple one forward down the trail. Did that make sense to anyone?
Anywhoo- I'm sure there will be more fall pics to come. Clint made the most kick-ass two minute movie in the world. I'm in it by the way. It's a frisbee golf extraviganza set to the Monday Night Football theme music. I think any Monday Night Football player, let alone Al Micheals, would be proud of what's been done with the intro music. The link is http://www.archive.org/details/DiscGolftheWilhelmWay Enjoy and bask in the glory that is Disc Golf the Wilhelm Way!
Yeah Olympus is quite a hike--especially up the front face as you did it. The backside is longer but much less stenuous.
It's so very hard to believe that somewhere the weather is cool and leaves are turning. Our leaves are turning too, turning brown after 7 straight days of temperatures at 105 and higher.
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