Hello friends, family and the random lost blogger,
I got back from my North American Tour last week where I managed to visit the three states of Arizona, Utah and Wyoming ( and don't say that Utah doesn't count just because I already live in the state). Many of you saw me and therefore you are in some of the pictures, cause and effect. You will see that there is a common theme in my adventures as of late: rain. I learned that general positivity only strengthes a storm's power. Phrases such as "It looks like it's going to pass," or "It's going around us," phrases that many of my friends utter, only strenthen a storm's resolve to strike down the optimistic orator. You'll never hear me say phrases like those. I tend to be more of a realist, "Jesus! That thing is heading right for us," is more likely to come out of my mouth.
I've been pretty active as of late: kayaking, fishing, mountain biking, camping, frisbee golfing, real golfing. Don't let that fool you though. Many of those sports are just excuses to go drink beer in the woods.
I love to hear anyone's comments on the pics, just not on my spelling. I can't wait to see those of you who weren't included on the North American Tour and for those who were on the tour, fear not, we'll meet again soon.
Hugs and burritos,