Small Wonders
Unfortunately, this summer has been ultra rainy. There were floods, mudslides, a awe-inspiring mountain bike wreck because of mud-puddle involving yours truly. Still, I got lots of bug pics.
I was trying to explain this fascination of the macro to Kat (Kat has no particular like of dislike of the photos; she's just glad I have something that keeps me busy and gets me out of the house).
The small wildernesses that are all around us are truly amazing. The other day I spent an hour searching through a patch of weeds taking pics of all the various bugs. In this 1 meter x 1 meter section, I found 4 different species of spiders, a walking stick, numerous grasshoppers, a couple of moths, a caterpillar, a mantis, and beer can (can not supplied by me). I just think it is funny how many people are amazed by the larger fauna, but there is a whole life and death struggle played out on an epic scale beneath our ourselves, and often under our feet. I find it astounding that so much variance can lie in such a small area and I am also supremely grateful-- grateful that I am human that can take pictures of it all, rather than a bug that has to participate.