Saturday, November 24, 2007

Saga of Cameras

A couple of weeks ago Kat and I went to Gyeongju, the tourist capital of Korea. Unfortunately, a few weeks ago my camera also decided to go kaput on me. Luckily I still have the Minolta Z20, a camera as ugly as it's name. It has a big scratch on the lens so in a few of my pictures I end up with a phantasmic blur just slightly off-center. Still, some pretty good shots came out of it. Funny, the first camera I ever got lasted me 13 years. In the last 6 years I've gone through no less than 6 cameras. Maybe I should stick to disposables.


Clint Gardner said...

Ouch, not again. I'm hoping that my latest acquisition will last a lifetime. It better for what I paid for it. Lucky for me it will always be cheaper to get the thing repaired than it will to buy a new one. That has not been the case with the other cameras I've bought which keep getting cheaper and, therefore, it is not worth paying the big bucks to get the dang things fixed.

karmaking1111 said...

This set me back 78,000 won. Ouch.