Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Buffalo and Fool

Buffalo and Fool
Originally uploaded by karmking1111.
Should I call the ambulance now? These people really chap my hide. Not only is this foolish but I think this is really demeaning to the animals, and I'm pretty sure this person is not a park ranger unless they drastically changed the ranger uniform since I was last in Yellowstone. If you want to get a picture this close up buy a camera with a good zoom and save yourself the expense of a medical bill. Also, I'm not a buffalo expert but it's generally not good form to sneak up behind the animal.


Clint Gardner said...

Quite. The insipid tourists are always amazing in their brazen approaches to wild animals. While, a farm boy and know how to appropriately dodge bovines (from experience, I might add), could handle a bison with a big stick, I doubt your suburban twit would even know what to do when the beast reared-up suddenly from its rest and charged her.

Fools. This is a horrible example of our pre-packaged society.

Anonymous said...

When in doubt, kick in the crotch and it will let out a muffled bellow and take of it's head (I don't expect many to get this one).